
unit1 how often do you exercise试卷(人教新目标八年级上).zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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Unit 1 How often do you exercise单元试题
1. fit and healthy____________ 2.a kind of food____________
3.as for____________ 4. try to do sth____________
5. have a party ____________ 6.一天许多次____________
7.两块面包 ____________ 8.改变我的饮食和生活方式____________
9.一个健康的人____________ 10.对……有益____________
1. Sandy doesn't like badminton, so she s______ plays badminton.
2. If you want to be h______, you should eat fruit and vegetables.
3. You should not a______ eat noodles for supper. You should try other food.
4. You are not fit, and you should change your l______
5. Eddie is very lazy and he never e______
1. ______ (Have) breakfast helps you keep fit.
2.I have some ______ (knife). I can lend one to you.
3.He brushes his teeth ______ (two) a day.
4. My______(eat)habits are pretty good.
5. You must eat more vegetables and keep ______(health).
6. There are many ______(different)between the two books.
7. This movie is very ______(interest)
8. My mom wants me______(drink)milk every day.
9. Daniel usually______ (have)meat and vegetables for dinner now.
10.How long______ he ______(read)English every night?
( )1.—How often do you take exercise? —______.
A. sometimes B. Three hours C. At three o'clock D. In two hours
( )2.Tom likes to play______ fo