
unit9 when was he born试卷(人教新目标八年级上).zip

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Unit 9   When was he born?
I.Match the ones in Column B with those in Column A to divide those famous persons..(将B栏添在相应的A栏前,给下列名人分类)
( ) 1.sports star A. Mark Twain
( ) 2.movie star B. David Bechham
( ) 3.painter C. Beethoven
( ) 4.pianist D. Gong Li
( ) 5.writer E. Thomas Edison
( ) 6.scientist F. Hua Luogeng
( ) 7.mathematician G. Bill Gates
( ) 8.computer scientist H. Xu Beihong
II.Choose the right answers(选择正确答案)
1. Deng Yaping was born June 2nd, 1973.
A. in B. on C. at
2. I don’t know when famous?
A. does he become B. he becomes C. did he become
3. He started football when he was 15.
A. to playing B. play C. to play
4. He spent all his money this big house.
A. in B. on C. for
5. The child is young to join the army.
A. so B. too C. enough
6. My sister learned a bicycle by herself.
A. to ride B. riding C. for ride
7. Do you have ideas?
A. some B. many C. any
8. -You must be a famous painter in the future.
- .
A. I hope so B. I think so C. I don’t think so
9. I spent two hours my home work.
A. to do B. doing C. do
10. She was the first one to receive such honor.
A. a B. × C. an
III.Compete words after reading those meanings(