
unit9 when was he born同步验收练习题(人教新目标八年级上).zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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I. 听句子, 从A, B, C, D中找出你所听到的单词。(5分)
1. A. volleyball B. football C. basketball D. baseball
2. A. 1965 B. 1966 C. 1967 D. 1968
3. A. skating B. sneezing C. humming D. swimming
4. A. friendly B. kind C. funny D. unusual
5. A. America B. university C. school D. city
II. 听对话, 根据你所听到的对话,在下列句子的空白处填写一个适当的词。(5分)
1. Mabel talked with a ________ just now.
2. Charlie received the e-mail ______ evening.
3. Linda's father is a ________.
4. Michael's brother is an ________ skater.
5. Ann broke the school ________ of the girls' 100 meters at the sports meeting.
III. 看插图, 从你听到的A, B, C, D, E中找出下列问题的答案。(10分)
1. Whose room is it?
2. What's the girl going to be?
3. What's the girl's favorite sport?
4. Whom does the girl admire?
5. Where are the girl's clothes?
I. 词汇。(15分)
A) 正确排列括号中的字母, 组词填空。(5分)
1. Susan became an ______(dingnatoust) writer when she was thirty-two years old.
2. Leona broke the world ________ (rdrcoe) three times during 1987-1989.
3. Where ________ (erwe) you born, Cathy?
4. Jackie Chan is a great action ________ (veimo) star.
5. When you________(eeznse), you'd better use a handkerchief (手帕).
learn, have, write, start, call
6. I ________ to ride a bike when I was four years old.
7. Students usually ________ learning English in primary schools.