
unit10 i’m going to be a basketball player同步验收练习题(人教新目标八年级上).zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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I. 听句子, 在空白处填写你所听到的单词。(5分)
1. The girl ________ to be a journalist.
2. Jim became a ________at last.
3. We're going to________the fashion show.
4. Kate ______ to be an editor after college.
5. When are you going to ________a library in the town?
II. 听对话, 从A, B, C, D中找出能回答下列问题的选项。(5分)
1. What does Sandy want to be?
A. She wants to be a teacher.
B. She wants to be an engineer.
C. She wants to be a writer.
D. She wants to be an athlete.
2. Who wants to be a pilot?
A. Jill does. B. James does.
C. Bill does. D. Bruce does.
3. What does Helen like?
A. Music. B. Economics.
C. Physics. D. Computer science.
4. What does Peter's sister do?
A. She's a journalist.
B. She's an editor.
C. She's a college teacher.
D. She's a programmer.
5. Why does May's grandpa often do morning exercises?
A. Because he always eats healthy diet.
B. Because he's friendly to everyone.
C. Because he wants to keep fit.
D. Because he has a lot of friends.
III. 看插图, 根据其内容,回答你所听到的问题。(5分)
1. ____________________________________
2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________
4. ____________________________________
5. ____________________________________
IV. 听短文, 判断划线句子与你所听到的句子相同(S)或不同(D)。(5分)
My grandma was a teacher. She had a lot of students. (1)They posted her all kinds of cards. My father is a teacher, too. (2) He teaches math in a middle school. He works hard and he is always friendly to his students, so they like him very much. I often see him on TV. (3) I'm fourteen years old. I have a good English teacher. (4) He speaks English well and teaches us carefully. I'm good at English. I hope to be an English teacher when I grow up. (5) I think I can work hard like my grandma and father.
1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________
I. 根据汉语提示完成句子。(10分)
1. My brother wants to be a computer ________ (程序师).
2. We