
八年级英语人教版上册《Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister》同步练习含答案.zip

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Unit3 I’m more outgoing than my sister

1. I prefer skiing to climbing because I think climbing is   skiing.
A. not as exciting as B. not more exciting as
C. not most exciting as D. more exciting than
2. Though my sister is very cute, she is not so   as me.
A. confident B. more confident
C. less confident D. the most confident
3. Now the air in our city is   than it used to be. Something must be done to stop it.
A. good B. bad C. worse D. better
4. Jason is   than most of kids in my class. He is very active.
A. outgoing B. more outgoing
C. much outgoing D. the most outgoing
5. --- Time is money.
--- But I think it is   money.
A. the same as B. as important as
C. more important than D. so important than
6. I'll take   of the cameras. One is for my brother, and the other is for Jim.
A. either B. both C. all D. every
7. --- Many people eat   meat than they did before.
--- Yes, that's why they're getting fatter and fatter.
A. more B. less C. fewer D. much
8. --- Yeah, our team   the match.
--- Well done! Congratulations!
A. beat B. failed C. won
9. The square(广场) is   size   that one.
A. same; as B. different; from
C. the same; as D. the different; from
10. --- How to be a good English learner?
--- You   read English for about half an hour in the morning.
A. shouldn't B. should C. don't D. do
11. He is   Tom, because they both enjoy playing basketball.
A. same as B. similar to
C. the same as D. the similar to
12. My friend Lily likes to   her food   me.
A. share; with B. share; to C. have; to D. have; for
13. When he   the bus station, he met one of h