

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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班级 学号 姓名 成绩______
根据所提问题, 选择正确答案。(5%)
( ) 1. A. I’m much better, thank you. B. I hurt my left leg yesterday.
C. I went to see the doctor yesterday. D. I’m fine, thank you. And you?
( ) 2. A. I like it very much. B. No. The football is under the bed.
C. It’s a good game. D. That’s a good idea.
( ) 3. A. It’s not far. You may walk there. B. It’s about ten minutes’ walk.
C. It’s on the third floor. D. The teacher isn’t in the office.
( ) 4. A. They need a map of China. B. They can’t find the way to the station.
C. They want to buy a map. D. They found it on the way to the station.
( ) 5. A. Buy a new bike. B. Look carefully first.
C. Go and ask a policeman. D. Find your way first.
根据对话及问题, 选择正确答案。(5%)
( ) 6. A. Raining heavily. B. Raining, but not heavily.
C. Snowing heavily. D. Snowing, but not heavily.
( ) 7. A. 11:15 B. 11:05 C. 10:11 D. 10:05
( ) 8. A. Because there was no time. B. Because they bought too many things.
C. Because they didn’t like to visit there. D. Because they didn’t know the way.
( ) 9. A. He wants to be a doctor. B. He wants to be a soldier.
C. He wants to be a teacher. D. He has no idea.
( ) 10. A. At the school. B. In the library. C. In the shop. D.