

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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长春市第_____中学姓名________ ______年_____班
1.He asked me to meet him in the park at 7:00, and I waited for a long time, but he didn't a________.
2.The rich should try to help the p________.
3.Why are you late for school again? Tell me the r________.
4.The boy likes planes very much and he wants to be a p________ in the future.
5.Mary is writing an a________ for a magazine.
6.Tom was u________. His parents died when he was only 5 years old.
7.I want to learn a f________ language, for example, French
8.Please pass me two pieces of p________.
9.Nowadays (现在)many kinds of wild animals are in great d________.
10.We live on the e________ and it is our only home.
11. He is the ____________ (famous) singer in Europe.
12.He plans ________(have) a picnic in the park next Sunday.
13. Jim is a ________ (success) actor. He does very well in the movie.
14. There are many ________ (factory) in the city.
15. They ___________(clean) the classroom tomorrow.
16. Tom is the_______( tall) of the three.
17.Are you going to ________ (keep) on writing stories?
18.Some people enjoy________(plan) to do things before doing them.
19.My uncle ________(become) very rich five years ago.
20. What is your brother going to be when he ____________(grow) up?
( ) 21. I ________ the shops. Can I get you anything?
A. go to B.went to C.have gone to D.am going to
( ) 22.—My aunt ________ me to Europe for vacation next month.
—Have a good time!
A.take B.took C.will take D. takes
( ) 23.—It's one of the ________ things in the world to stay with friends.
—I agree. It always makes us relaxed.
A.worst B.happiest C.busiest D.hardest
( ) 24 —John. ________ careful you are, ________ mistakes you will make.
—Thanks, Miss Rose.
A.The more; the less B.The more; th