

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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Exam to Unit 3&4
Class:____________ Name:___________________ N0:____________ mark:_____________
In cities, students usually r___________ bikes to school.
Tom was ill in __________ yesterday.
Who is your f___________ singer ?
We can’t d____________ on our parents all our life .
B__________ is anther way of saying bike ?
Richard went to Iceland for v_____________ .
Lin Fei’s home is about 10 k___________ from school.
What do you t____________ of the transportation in your town ?
In other parts of the world, things are d_____________.
10.Taking a boat is more f_________ than taking a bus.
二、用所给动词的适当形式填空 (5分)
Look! How hard they _________ ! (work)
My cousin always __________ some videos and watch them at home on Sunday. (rent)
He _________ he can go to the movies with me.(hope)
It _________ hard outside. We have to stay at home.(rain)
He went _________ with his father yesterday to buy a computer.(shop)
You had better do your homework. (改为否定句)
You had better_________ _________ your homework..
It took me half an hour to go to the post office.(划线提问)
________ _________ did it take you to go to the post office.
The students are watching a soccer ball match.(划线提问)
________ are the students __________ ?
The weather today is fine.(划线提问)
_________ the weather _______ today.
5. John goes to school on foot every da