
人教版八年级上册Unit 1 How often do you exercise 单元讲解与测试.zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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Unit1 练****一. 重点词或词组:
1. how often: 多久一次,多常,它是用来对动作的频率,即频率副词进行提问的。常见的频率副词有:always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never, every week, once a week等。
ex: ①Mary goes to the movies once a week.
→How often does Mary go to the movies?
②They sometimes go skateboarding.
→How often do they go skateboarding?
2. exercise: v. 运动,锻炼 n. 练****体操
①Tom often exercises on weekends. (vi)
②How often does Bob do exercise? (n.)锻炼
③We often do eye exercises. (n.)做眼保健操
3. hardly: adv. 几乎不,几乎没有
①He’s so old, he can hardly walk. (几乎不能)
②They are very busy, they hardly ever watch TV. (几乎不曾)
4. shop: v. 购物 n. 商店
①They are shopping. (在购物)
②Let’s go shopping, OK? (去购物)
③She sometimes shops in the shoe shop. (购物;鞋店)
5. once 一次;twice 两次;three times a week 一周三次;once or twice 一两次;two or three times 三、四次。这里的times是“次数”:
eg: How many times do you go shopping every week?
How often do you go shopping?
这里的how often不能用how many times替换。
6. surf the Internet 网上冲浪
7. as for至于;对于
eg: As for homework, most students do it every day.
8. health n. 健康;healthy adj. 健康的;unhealthy adj. 不健康的
①Don’t worry! I’m in good health. (同义词:healthy)
②Unhealthy food is bad for our health.
③He often exercises, so he looks very healthy.
9. healthy eating habit 健康的饮食****惯
10. try: n. 尝试 v. 尝试,试图,努力,设法
①Let’s have a try. 咱们试一试吧。
②try to do sth. 尽量/