
人教版八年级上册Unit 2 What’s the matter[上学期].zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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What’s the matter?
Section A
I. 根据第一个或前两个字母写出你已经学过的表示人体部分的英语单词:并将部分单词写在下面图画的相应的地方。
1. b______    2. n_____
3. he_____   4. ha_____
5. ea_____   6. ey_____
7. f______   8. m_____
9. ne_____   10. a______
11. s_______  12. l_____
13. t_______
II. 英汉互译。
1. stay healthy________ 2. drink lots of water__________
3. have a cold_________ 4. lie down and rest
5. 另一方面_________ 6. 看牙医_________
7. 脊背疼__________ 8. 压抑___________
III. 对于下列疾病或不适提出合理的建议,用括号里的各建议填空:
(go to bed; see a dentist; listen to music; have a rest; drink lots of water; lie down and rest; drink hot tea with honey; drink some water)
1. stomachache _______________________
2. headache. _______________________
3. sore throat ________________________
4. stressed out _______________________
5. thirsty ________________________
6. toothache ________________________
7. fever ________________________
8. tired ________________________
IV. 完形填空。
One day Mrs. White went to see her doctor because there was something wrong with her heart.
The doctor 1 Mrs. White quickly. Then he said, “Well, Mrs. White, stop ___2 and you’ll soon be quite 3 again.”
“But doctor,” answered Mrs. White. “I can’t smoke. I don’t like smoking ___4_ .”
“Oh, well!” said the doctor,” __5 don’t drink any more wine.”
“But I don’t drink wine.” Mrs. White answered 6 .
“Stop 7 tea and coffee then,” the doctor said.
“I only drink 8 ,” answered Mrs. White. “I don’t 9 tea or coffee.”
The doctor thought 10 a moment and then said, “Well… or 11
you like fried potatoes?”
“Yes, I like them 12 .” answered Mrs. White.
“ 13 . Then stop eating those.” Said the doctor 14 he got up to say 15 to Mrs. White.
1. A. looked at B. looked over
C. looked after D. lo