
人教版八年级上册Unit 2 What’s the matter 同步阅读 (含答案).zip

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新目标英语八年级上Unit 2同步阅读 (含答案)
Unit 2 What’ the matter?
Read the replies given by the doctor. Match the questions and write the name of the writer at the bottom of each letter. (读医生的回信,与后面的问题相对应,写出写信人的名字。)
Dear Nick,
You shouldn’t sit for too long at the computer. Take a break every forty minutes and do some exercises. Besides, you need to make sure that the height of your desk and chair is correct.
Dear Sharon,
You need to go on a diet, you should eat more green vegetables and less fatty meat and less rice. Stay away form those rich desserts. And of course at the same time, you should exercise more.
Dear Victor,
First, you should keep a regular bedtime and wake-time. Second, don’t drink coffee, tea, colas or alcohol. And avoid smoking. Thirdly, don’t eat or drink too much close to bedtime. Lastly, exercise at the right time. Late afternoon exercise can help you fall asleep at night.
Dear Doctor,
I can’t sleep at night. What should I do?
Dear Doctor,
I had my yearly checkup today. The result shows that I’m a little too heavy. I must lose some weight. What should I do?
Dear Doctor,
I work on the computer all day and I’ve got a sore wrist and arm and a tiff neck. What should I do?