
人教版八年级上册Unit 3同步检测题及答案[上学期].zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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Unit 3
A 翻译下面短语及句子。
1.What are you doing for vacation? 6.你什么时候走?
2.How is the weather there? 7.你呢?
3.how long 8.一个很棒的假期
4.go away 9.去野营
5.have a good time 10.五大湖

B. 根据句子内容完成已给了首字母的单词。
11.Tom asked Mary what she was doing for v
12.My mother gave birth to a baby last week,so I’m now b my sister.
13.Wr Smith is going to Hawaii in D and he will stay there for three weeks.
14.Summer holidays will come.Pierr is planning to Canada’s Great L .
15.Many students in our class have decided to have a very r holiday.
16.Every day after breakfast ,the little boy went f with his grandfather by the river.
1.Last year I visited my friend in Hong Kong and we both had .
A. a time B.a good time c.happy D.time happily
2.Would you please us your pictures taken in Europe?
A.take B bring C.show D.find
3.What are we going to do on Sunday?” “ How about ?
A. to go bike riding B.going bike to ride C.going to bike riding D.going bike riding
4.”My father has bought a new car.” “