
人教版八年级上册Unit 7 HOW DO YOU MAKE A BANANA MILK SHAKE 同步阅读 (含答案).zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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新目标英语八年级上Unit 7同步阅读 (含答案)
Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake?
Read the instructions for making a fresh fruit salad and then rewrite it into a recipe. (读短文,完成下面的表格。)
  The first step in making a fresh fruit salad is selecting the fruit. You should choose four or five varieties that you like. Try to select ripe fruit, but don’t buy fruit that is badly bruised or too soft. After you’ve selected the fruit, choose a crisp head of lettuce. Also buy one lemon. Be sure to wait until about thirty minutes before mealtime before beginning to wash and cut the fruit and the lettuce. Wash the fruits you will not be peeling. Cut out all seeds, stems, and pits which cannot be eaten. Then cut the fruits into bite-sized pieces, and put the pieces in a large bowl. When you finish cutting up the fruit, squeeze the lemon onto the fruit. Finally, make a bed of lettuce on each plate and spoon the salad onto the lettuce.
Fresh Fruit Salad
Ingredients: 4 or 5 kinds of fresh fruits.__________
l         Select ripe fruit.
l         Wash and cut the fruit and lettuce 30 minutes before mealtime.
l         Cut the fruits into pieces, and _________________________________
l         ________________________________________________________