
人教版八年级上册Unit 7 Will people have robots 单元词汇练习(有答案).zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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1.He is the first a___________of China who went into space.
2.Humans can fly r________ to the moon today.
3.Most of the people in the cities are living in the a____________.
4.Robots are just like human s_________.
5.Rose is a worker.He works in a big f__________.
6.As long as we ______(相信)ourselves.We can be successful in the future.
7.My father is very busy, and he has to work _____(甚至)on Sundays.
8.The ___________(环境) here is terrible we can’t live here.
9.The earth is one of the eight _________(行星) .
10.It’s ___________(不可能的) to finish all the work in one hour.
11.I felt ____(bore) at the cinema,because the movie was too ____.(bore)
12.There _____(not be) more children in people's homes in 10 years.
13.There will be ________(many) people than last year.
14.His sister always plays a part in ______ (save) the animals.
15.—What will you do tomorrow afternoon?
—I ______(play)basketball with Jim.
16.He was surprised by all the _________(pollute) on the beach.
17.The robot will tell them the _______(mean) of words.
18.It ______(seem)that it's going to rain.
19.People all over the world love ______(peaceful).
20.Look!He is ______(use ) his uncle’s computer.
21. People put the rubbish into the river and there is much p______.
22. What will you do next summer h________?
23. China will be e_______ richer in