
人教版八年级上册Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake 单元试卷及答案.zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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1. 用……覆盖……___________ 2. 一个接一个___________
3. 很长时间_____________ 4. 多少……______________
5. 首先……______________ 6. 接下来……_____________
7. 最后……_____________ 8. 想要做某事 ___________
9. 忘记去做某事 ____________
10. 如何做某事______________
11. 需要做某事 ______________
12. 让某人做某事________________
13. 在这时 ________________
14. 一些;几个________________
15. 到(某人)做某事的时间了________________
(    )1.Ted cleaned the room on his day ______.
A.of      B.off    C.down     D.away
(    )2.—______ was your school trip?
A.Where     B.Why    C.What     D.How
(    )3.______ the class,the students left the classroom one by one.
A.At the end of    B.In the end   C.By the end    D.At the end
(    )4.—______ you in Beijing last summer?
—Yes,I ______.
A.Was;was    B.Were;was  C.Was;were    D.Were;were
(    )5.—Did you go to bed ______last night,Li Ping?  
—No,I went to bed ______instead.
A.later;early    B.late;early  C.lately;early    D.lately;earlily
(    )6.—Shall we go to the park?
 A.I’ve no idea.   B.Good idea.
 C.I’d love.   D.I’m very busy.
(    )7. —Must we keep the window _______ all the time?
 —No, you don’t have to.
 A.opening  B.opened  C.to open  D.open
(    )8.We should eat _______ fruit and vegetables, but _______ meat. It is good for our health.
 A.more; less  B.more; more  C.less; more  D.less; less
(    )9.—How are you feeling today?
 —________ I think I can go to the picnic with you tomorrow.
 A.Not too bad.  B.Much better. 
C.Very bad.  D.Not so well.
(    )10.He eats _______ food, so he is _______ fat.
 A.much too; too much  B.too much; much too
 C.much too; the many  D.too much; too many
(   ) 11. Mr Green  ______for America the day after tomorrow.
A. left  B. leaves   C. is leaving  D. is going to leave
(   ) 12. I’m hungry. Would you please give