
人教版八年级上册Unit 9 Can you come to my party 单元测试(人教版).zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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  1. They went ______(sightsee)last Sunday.
  2. Their room is next to ______(we)。
  3. She is a ______(woman)singles player.
  4. I'm ______(real)sorry for that.
  5. Thank you for your ______(kind)。
  6. I think he'll ______(win)the game.
  7. Are you going to take part in the ______(come)sports meeting?
  8. The spring Festival is a ______(nation)holiday in China.
  1. He is ______ tired to go any farther.
  A. too      B. much      C. very      D. quite
  2. After working for hours, they stopped ______ a rest.
  A. have      B. having      C. have to      D. to have
  3. Do you often see her ______ volleyball on the ground?
  A. plays      B. played      C. play      D. to play
  4. ______ it was late at night. Mr. Black was still working.
  A. If      B. Because      C. Though      D. Since
  5. He has lots of money ______ he doesn't feel happy.
  A. but      B. and      C. or      D. if
  6. She ______ the U. S when she was thirteen.
  A. tour      B. tours      C. toured      D. touring
  7. ______ September 2003, he became a famous violinist.
  A. In      B. On      C. At      D. Up
  8. My brother ______ playing with computer game last month.
  A. stops      B. stoped      C. stopped      D. stopping
  9. I'm sorry. I wasn't at home when you ______.
  A. come      B. came      C. coming     