
人教版八年级上册Unit 9-10单元测试题[上学期].zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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Class:____________ Name: ______________ No._____ Marks: ____________
Section A Listening (20)
 ( )  ( )   ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) 1. A. A violinist B. A singer C. A football player.
( ) 2. A. A Chinese teacher B. A math teacher C. An English teacher
( ) 3. A. Because his mother is a model in Paris. B. Because his sister is a model in Paris.
C. Because his father is a model (模特)in Paris.
( )4. A. She was born on October 22 nd, 1987.
B. She was born on October 22 nd, 1978.
C. She was born on October 22 nd, 1897.
( )5. A. He wants to study abroad(国外,出国), in Japan.
B. He wants to study abroad, in America.
C. He wants to study abroad, in Singapore.
( ) 1. He is going to be a football player.
( ) 2. After class he plays basketball for an hour.
( ) 3. He wants to be Yao Ming.
( ) 4. He is now fourteen years old.
( ) 5. He has to study and play basketball hard.
Section B Writing(80)
一、单词拼写( 10分)。根据英文释义或汉语提示及句义,拼写下列单词
1. When did she start _____________________(写) music?
2. He __________________(渡过) all his free time with his animals.
3. She wants to be an actor when she ___________________(成长) up.
4. I