

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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教版(Go for it)八年级上册
Review of units 1—6综合测试题
1、Do you have a healthy ( 生活方式 )?
2、You should see a (牙医 )when you have a toothache .
3、My aunt keeps many chickens and ducks in the (乡下 )
4、The twin brothers are (体格健美的 )because they both like sports very much .
5、If you want to learn English ,please (开始 )with ABC.
6、A it’s getting dark, the farmers are still working in the field.
7、Dumplings are our t food in China.
8、The scenery of Mount Huang is very beautiful. We’re going s there.
9、The old man d on her daughter two years ago.
10、Our English teacher told us the w story again and again.
( )1、— does he go to the library?
—Twice a year.
A. How long B. How many times C. How about D. How often
( )2、—Some students play sports three four a week.
A.and;times B. or;times C. and;time D. or;time
( )3、—Can I talk to you for a moment, Tom?
—Sure, I have time now.
A. few B. a few C. little D. a little
( )4、—Would you like some tea?
—Yes, please. By the way, do you have any sugar? I like tea sugar.
A. with B. have C. for D. without
( )5、—What are you doing for vacation?

A. I’m going