
人教版八年级上册英语Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show 词汇题有答案.zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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Unit 5
(2021秋•沂南县期中)Let's have a_______(discuss)about the sports meeting.
(2019•滨州一模)We had a _________ (discuss)about the problem.
What's the_________(different) between the two words?
Don't forget__________(turn) off the light before you leave the room.
Children should watch more ________ (education)movies.
She usually __________ (dress) up like a boy.
My sister ________(become) an English teacher three years ago.
Everyone wants ________(be) young and beautiful.
What do you expect___________(learn)from the game shows?
Let's have a_________(discuss)about this problem.
Mike was _____(lucky) enough to miss the train
I think he will be a _____(success) writer
The film is _______(educational). I learned a lot from it
What ______(happen) to you?
I can’t open the door because I ______(lose) my keys
He is interested in the ______(culture) of China
They just had ______(discuss) about how to make model planes
I didn’t expect _____(stay) at home
The story is too boring and I can’t s______it
My father likes watching the n_______on TV every day so that he can know what happens in the world
We dislike the comedy because it is ______(meaning)
The boy decides______(share) her snacks with his friends
No one could be as_______(success) as Ma Yun
Lucy thinks it is not easy _______(become) a good dancer
He often tells some j_______ and makes us laugh
I like talk shows.