

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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( )1. Sam is going 10 study engineering in _______university next year. He really wants to work as _________enginee one day.
A. an; a B. a; an C. an; an D. a; a
( )2.----How did you know that?
-----I saw it with my _________eyes.
A. personal B. talented C. outgoing D. own
( )3. ----Now many people are interested in playing Tik Tok(抖音).
----Yeah. It's relaxing for those people to enjoy ___________.
A. himself B. herself C. themselves D. yourself
( )4. ----I hear Mary has got a good job in a world's top company.
----Yes. Her good ____________experience helped her a lot. She once studied in one of the best colleges in China.
A. travel B. education C. life D. eating
( )5. My dream job is to be a(n)__________because I want to fly like a bird in the sky.
A. actor B. pilot C. reporter D. engineer
( )6. ---When did you _________playing the piano?
-----At the age of five.
A. take up B. put up C. make up D. get up
( )7.----What did your uncle say just now?
-----He promised __________me a new bike.
A. buy B. bought C. buying D. to buy
( )8. Li Ming is so careful that he always looks over his exercise books to ________there are no mistakes.
A. make sure B. find out C. think of D. think about
( )9. He's going to ________an artist when