

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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1. A.She’s hungry. B.She’s tired. C.She’s good-looking.
2. A.I drink much milk. B.I drink milk every day. C.I like drinking milk very much.
3. A.They are going on May 2nd.
B.They are staying there for half an hour.
C.They are relaxing at home.
4. A.It’s three o’clock. B.It takes only 5 minutes. C.Half an hour ago.
5. A.Sure, I can’t. B.I’d love to, but I can’t. C.Yes, but I can’t.
6. What are they talking about?
A.Changchun’s food. B.Changchun’s weather. C.Changchun’s season.
7. What does Jane usually do on weekends?
A.She usually draws some pictures.
B.She usually goes shopping.
C.She usually goes to see a film.
8. What would Mike like for lunch?
A.Rice. B.Noodles. C.Hamburgers.
9. When are they going to meet?
A.This morning. B.Tomorrow morning. C.Tomorrow evening.
10. What’s the name of their English teacher?
A.Lisa. B.Maggie. C.Henry.
11. What are they talking about?
A.An interesting story about summer holiday.
B.Their study in summer holiday.
C.How to spend summer holiday.
12. Where is Peter going?
A.America. B.Canada. C.Australia.
13. How long is Peter going to stay there?
A.For one week. B.For two weeks. C.For three weeks.
14. What is Mary going to do?
A.She is going to visit the seaside.
B.She is going to visit her uncle.
C.She is going to visit museums.
15. Who is Mr White?
A.Peter’s uncle. B.Mary’s father. C.Their teacher.