

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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( ) 1. I don’t know what made them _____ so angry yesterday.
A. feeling B felt C to feel D. feel
( ) 2. I don’t think English is ________ than physics.
A. so difficult B. a little difficult
C. much more difficult D. much difficult
( ) 3. --- _____ is it from the subway station to your home?
--- It’s around ten minutes’ walk.
A. How long B. How far C. How D. How often
( ) 4. Please stop talking. Our monitor has __________ to tell us.
A. something important B. important something
C. anything important D. much important
( )5 .I _______ a book from the school library. I can _____ it for two weeks.
A. borrow, borrow B. borrowed, keep
C. lend, keep D. borrowed, kept
( ) 6. We had a very ______ holiday last week. All of us felt ____ after that.
A. relaxing, relaxing B. relaxed, relaxed
C. relaxing, relaxed D. relaxed, relaxing
( ) 7. Jim Carrey with his lovely dog ______ a cute song at the talent show next week.
A are going to sing B is going to sing
C. will going to sing D. sang
( ) 8.My math teacher Mr. Steve is the most creative person ______ I know
A. what B who C whose D which
( ) 9. Spring is coming. The weather is getting _________.
A. warm and w