

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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A. 根据首字母填空。
1. He t_________many photos in Beijing last year. 
2. There are a lot of new b______________ in the city now.
3. My mother didn’t have e_________ money, so she couldn’t buy the coat. 
4. What’s wrong with you? You s________ to be unhappy.
5. Please speak aloud(大声点), I can h________   you.
He teaches ___________(I) English.
7. Most of them play sports three or four  _________  (time).
8.These _____________(diary) are Lei Feng’s.
9. Our teacher wants us   __________________   (read) English every morning.
10. Can you find five    __________________(different) in the two pictures?
B. 根据中文填单词(注意单词的形式)。
1.I’m free now, I have _________ (无事)to do . 2. Is __________(某人)going with you ?
3.I can finish it by __________ (我). I kept _____________(写) this story.
5.The _____________(无聊的)book makes me ___________(无聊的)
6.I need ______ _________(一把雨伞)_________ ________(因为) the heavy rain.
7.It’s good to relax by _____________(使用) the Internet.
8. He went Shanghai, _____________(然而), I stayed at home.
9. Keeping ___________is good for our __________(健康).
10. I have ____________(曾经) been to Wuhan, I went there ___________(两次).
Hello! My name is Alex. This year I’m 60. My living 1__________****惯) are pretty good, so I’m very 2.__________(健康的). In the morning, I usually 3.___________ (锻炼) for half an hour, and then have breakfast at 7:00 am.