

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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新目标八年级英语(Go for it )上册期末测试卷
班级 姓名 分数
( )1. A . hardly B . ever C . twice
( ) 2. A. thirsty B. result C . junk
( ) 3. A . difference B. different C . difficult
( ) 4. A . habit B . rabbit C . babysit
( ) 5. A . go swimming B. go shopping C. go camping
二、听录音选择正确的答语。( 5分)
( )1. A. He often goes swimming . B. Yes, he does. C. Once a week.
( )2. A. Every day B. By bike C. Fine ,thank you.
( )3. A. He’s tired B. She has a toothache . C. I can’t sleep.
( )4 .A. Yes , he is B. No, he doesn’t. C. Yes, he does.
( ) 5.A.I’m going by bus . B. I’m going on Friday C. I’m going to Hawaii.
三、 听五组对话选正确答案 ( 5分):
( )1. The woman goes to the music store_______
A twice a week B once a week C three times a week
( ) 2. Jane often ____ on weekends.
A goes fishing B goes shopping C goes exercising
( )3. Tony shouldn’t tonight.
A go to bed early B go out C go to the party
( ) 4 Washington is tired and he likes to_______.
A eat bread B eat an apple C play football
( ) 5. Tom’s family are going to their hometown and go _______.
A swimming B hiking C fishing
四、.听短文, 从A, B, C中找出一个与其内容相符的选项填空。(5分)
( )1. ________ is the youngest child in the famil