
人教版八年级上英语 Unit 12 What’s the best radio station 练习卷.zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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八年级上英语 Unit 12 What’s the best radio station? 练****卷
I. 单项选择。
  1. Which country is ________ in the world?
  A. small   B. smaller   C. smallest   D. the smallest
  2. Of all the students, Li Ming is ________ to Mr. Wang.
  A. close   B. closer   C. the closest   D. the most closest
  3. Qinhuangdao is ________ the north of China, and Shanghai is _____ the south of Qinhuangdao.
  A. in; to    B. to; to    C. to; in    D. in; in
  4. Kate often goes to work ________ breakfast. It’s bad for her health.
  A. with    B. without    C. on     D. not have
  5. Jim is funnier than ________ in his class.
  A. any other boy   B. any boy   C. any other boys   D. all the boys
  6. This book is ________ for students to read.
  A. enough easy    B. easily enough    C. easy enough    D. enough easily
  7. Yangtze River is the third ________ in the world.
  A. long river   B. longer river   C. longest rivers   D. longest river
  8. — What do you ________ the clothes in that store?
    — I think they’re all ________ good quality.
  A. think of; in     B. like; in     C. think of; with    D. like; with
  9. Xin Hua Cinema has ________ seats.
  A. the most comfortable     B. the most comfortablest 
  C. the comfortablest       D. comfortablest
  10. They were talking ________ there and Susan was not happy.
  A. loud     B. loudly     C. aloud     D. alou