
人教版八年级上英语 Unit 2 What’s the matter 单元测试 (2).zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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Unit Two What’s the matter?
( ) 1. Li Lei works in England . He comes to China _____ .
A. three time a year B. three times a year C. three times year D. three time year
( ) 2. His grandmother is well because she often _____ .
A. exercises B. smokes C. sleeps D. sings
( ) 3. --- _____ do they play football ?
--- Every day.
A. How soon B. How much C. How many D. How often
( ) 4. Here _____ the results _____ the student activity survey.
A. is ; with B. are ; of C. is ; of D. are ; with
( ) 5. Although they feel tired, _____ they still go on working.
A. and B. but C. / D. so
( ) 6. You have a _____ . You should stop eating anything.
A. headache B. backache C. stomachache D. fever
( ) 7. Thank you a lot for giving me so much _____ on how to learn English well.
A. advice B. idea C. hope D. answer
( ) 8. Don’t _____ on the bus .There is no wash room.
A. drink much water B. eat a lot of junk food C. do some reading D. sleep a lot
( ) 9. You shouldn’t _____ when you are tired at night.
A. go to bed early B. stop working C. work too late D. have a rest
( ) 10. Yesterday I had a lot of homework to do. I did it _____ midnight(半夜).
A. to B. u