
人教版八年级上英语 Unit 4 How do you get to school? 综合训练题.zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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Unit 4 How do you get to school?
Practice 1
1.Wei Hua __________ a busy day today.
She__________ __________ at __________ in the morning.
2.She quickly__________her hands and __________.
Then she __________some __________ and milk __________breakfast.
3.She__________ __________ school __________ __________.
She__________ her class__________ __________ o'clock.
And she finished her __________ at twelve.
4.She__________lunch at __________.After__________ she __________ a __________ rest.She __________ hard in class all day.
5.She plays__________ after school and then she__________ home.
6.After she __________ home,she helps her parents __________supper.She __________ her homework at__________ __________ __________.
Then she __________ to bed.
A:Hello,Mike! 1
B:Hello,Sam.I'm going to school.
A:Is the school near your home?
B:Yes,it is.
A:Do you go to school by bike or by bus?
B: 2 sometimes I'm late.Then I go to school by bus.
A:What time do you begin classes?
B:At eight.
A:Are the classes over in the middle of the day.
B:No,they aren't. 3
A:Do you often play basketball after school?
B:No,I don't like playing it.I like swimming.
A: 4
B:I do my homework.After that I watch TV.I go to bed at ten. 5
A:I do nearly the same things in the evening.
A.What about you?