
人教版八年级上英语 Unit 5 Can you come to my party 测试.zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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八年级英语 试卷
Unit 5 Can you come to my party?
1. Please keep the door _________.
A. closing B. close C. closed D. closes
2. Thanks for __________me.
A. invitation B. invite C. inviting D. to invite
3. Don’t forget ________ her to come to my party.
A. tell B. tells C. telling D. to tell
4. –Will you go shopping with us? –Yes, ________.
A. I do B. I’d like to C. I’d love to do D. I’m busy
5. _______is today? It’s October 2nd.
A. When B. What time C. What day D. What date
6. Could you ask him ________here?
A. comes B. come C. to come D. coming
7. –Would you like to come with us?
A. Great! I’d love to. B. Good, I’d like.
C. Yes, I would. D. Sure, I like.
8. Thanks a lot _______ helping me _____ my English.
A. to, in B. to, with C. for, with D. of, with
9. I’m free _________22:00 tonight.
A. at B. till C. / D. on
10. –What are you __________ next Wednesday?
--I _________do my homework.
A. doing, can’t B. do, may C. does, want D. doing, have to
11. ________go for a walk after dinner? –That’s a good idea.
A. How about B. Would you like C. Why don’t D. Why not
12. What’s the date? It’s _______.
A. Saturday B. July
C. August 20th, 2007 D. Monday the 11th
13. This one is too big. Can you show me ____________one?
A. the other B. other C. another D. others
14. It’s ________cold today.