
人教版八年级上英语 Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball player. 综合训练.zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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Unit 10 I'm going to be a basketball player.
Practice 1
一般将来时态以及be going to 结构:对将来事情的计划和安排。
Wei Hua:Tomorrow is Saturday.What 1 2 3 to do?
Lily:Nothing 4 .What 5 you?
Wei Hua:I 6 7 8 do some 9 .Would you like to go 10 ?
Lily:OK.When 11 we 12 13 meet?
Wei Hua: 14 15 tomorrow morning.
Lily:How 16 we 17 there?
Wei Hua:Let's go there 18 19 .
Lily:Are we 20 21 meet here, outside the 22 gate?
Wei Hua:OK.See you tomorrow.
Lily: 23 24 25 .
Ⅱ.用 be going to 填空
1.I __________ (have) a meeting in the afternoon.
2.He __________ (go hiking) on his field trip next Sunday.
3.They __________ (watch) a football match tomorrow afternoon.
4.Lin Tao __________ (study) Japanese next term.
5.__________ you __________ (have) a dinner together?
6.__________ Han Mei __________ (do) her homework with the twins?
7.__________ Wang Feng and her mother __________ (sing) an English song in the coming party?
8.Where __________ they __________ (buy) some fruit?
9.When __________ the children __________ (meet) at the school gate?
10.What __________ you __________ (do) next Friday?
1.Friday, what, is, do, going, to, next, he
2.have, are, going to, not, we, any, the day after tomorrow, classes