

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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八年级上英语单元试卷 (Units 11-12)
Ⅰ.单项选择 (15分)
( )1.--Could I look at your picture? --Yes, of course ,you ____________.
A. could B. can C.will
( )2,--Could you please not put the trash here? -- ____________. I’m taking it away.
A. Yes, I could. B. Of course not. C. Sorry, I won’t.
( )3.Which way is the ____________ your home?
A. closest B. closest to C. close
( )4.Don't worry! They will look after her____________.
A. very good B. very much C. very well
( )5.I____________go there this morning , so I stayed.
A. needed not B. didn't need C. didn't need to
( )6.The price of these pants is____________.I can’t afford to buy them.
A. high B. cheap C.expensive
( )7.I hate____________basketball with that kind of man.
A. playing B. play C. played
( )8.- ____________ do you think is the ____________ in your factory. –Jim is.
A.What, most creative B.Who, creativest C.Who, most creative
( )9.I had a ____________ headache yesterday. I’m feeling even____________today.
A. bad, badly B. badly, worst C. bad, worse
( )10.Guilin is one of the ____________ places in China.
A. most beautiful B. more beautiful C. best beautiful
( )11.Xiao Wang ran as____________ as others in the relay race.
A. quickly B.