

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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一 单项选择
1 —_______ do you usually take a shower?
— Twice a week
A What time B How long C How many D How often
2 I think he is_______ unhealthy.
A a kind of B kinds of C kind of D kind
3----_______go swimming? It is so hot today.
---- Great.
A Why B Why not C Don’t D Not
4 Again and again the doctor______the crying girl, but he could not find what was wrong with her.
A looked over B looked after C looked for D looked out
5 ---There is somebody at the door. Who________ it be?
--- It______be Mr Huang, the drive.
A may, must not B will, may C can, must not D can,must
6 ---Which TV______do you like best?
---Animal World.
A play B sport C team D program
7 I practise________English ________.
A everyday, everyday B every day, everyday C every day, every day D everyday, every day
8 There are no______ in the fridge. Let us buy some carrots, peas and tomatoes.
A fruit B vegetables C meat D fish
9 I have______yours.
A the same watch as B the same watch C same watch as D the same as
10 Are there any______between the two pictures?
A difference from B different C differences D
11 ______ the matter with you?
A What B When C what is Dwhere
12 Please lie_____ and rest yourself.
A down B up C off D on
13 ---Let us go for a picnic this weekend.