

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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1.— Eric, did you see my dictionary?
— Sorry, Amy. But you can use . I’m not using it at the moment.
A. his B. hers
C. yours D. mine
2.Helen was too angry to say _________.
A.nothing B.something
C.anything D.everything
3.--What did you do last weekend, Sarah?
A. would do my homework
B. was practicing speaking English
C. had surfed on the Internet
D. studied for the test
4. --Did you have a good vacation?
-- . I enjoyed myself with my family on the beach.
A. I’m afraid not B. I’m not sure
C. Of course D. I hope so
5.I wanted basketball but I run fast .
A. to play; can’t B. play ; couldn’t
C.play the; can’t D. to play; couldn’t
6.——Where ______ he go on vacation?
——He went to the mountains.
A.is B.does C. has D. did
7.– Where did she go on vacation?
– .
A. She stays at home B. She visits her uncle
C. She went to New York D. She wants to go to Hainan
8.— Did you try paragliding yesterday?
— Yes. I ________ I was a bird. It was so exciting!
A. looked like B. made sure
C. thought of D. felt like
9.— Did you enjoy ________ at the party yesterday, Karen?
— Yes. I had a good time.
A. myself B. yourself C. me D