
人教版八年级英语(新目标,上册)Unit1 Where did you go on vacation测试题(单项+完型+阅读+词汇+书面表达,广东专用).zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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Class:    Name:    Marks:   (满分100分)
( )1. — What did you buy yesterday, Lucy?
— I bought     umbrella.     umbrella is very nice.
A. an; The B. a; A C. a; The D. an; An
( )2. — David, don’t forget to bring your umbrella, or you’ll get    .
— OK, Mom.
A. cold B. dry C. wet D. warm
( )3. — I can’t learn English well. What can I do, Mr. Smith?
— Tom,     is difficult if you work hard.
A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything
( )4. — Can I go shopping with you, Mom? I feel very     at home all day.
— Sure! Let’s go to the supermarket, dear.
A. interested B. excited C. relaxed D. bored
( )5. We didn’t enjoy the day     the weather was so bad.
A. but B. so C. because D. if
( )6. — Did you enjoy     at the party yesterday, Karen?
— Yes. I had a good time.
A. myself B. yourself C. me D. you
( )7. — I am free tomorrow. So I     to go to the movies. Would you like to go with me?
— I’d love to, but I have too much homework.
A. decide B. listen C. shout D. talk
( )8. — How terrible the weather is! I don’t like rainy days.
— I     it, either. Because I can’t go to play soccer.
A. dislike B. disliked C. liked D. like
( )9. — What do you think of this one?