
人教版八年级英语(新目标,上册)Units2 How often do you exercise测试题(一,单项+完型+阅读+词汇+书面表达,含答案).zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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Class:    Name:    Marks:   (满分100分)
一. 选择填空 (15分)
( )1. — Would you like to go to the movies with me?
— I am sorry. I am busy with writing     e-mail on     Internet.
A. an; a B. a; an
C. a; / D. an; the
( )2. — What’s wrong with the pigs, Mom?
— Maybe they are    . I forgot to feed them this morning.
A. full B. boring
C. friendly D. hungry
( )3. — Did you enjoy     at the party last night, Amy?
— Yes. I had a good time.
A. yourself B. herself
C. myself D. himself
( )4. — Bob, do you like keeping a     every day?
— Oh, yes. It’s good for my writing.
A. habit B. point
C. program D. diary
( )5. — Why do you look unhappy, Lucy?
— I can’t learn math well     I always work hard.
A. because B. and
C. although D. so
( )6. — Mom, I don’t know what I should buy for my friend’s birthday.
— Don’t worry. You have enough time to    .
A. try B. like
C. need D. decide
( )7. — What do you think of the book, Ted?
— It’s difficult for me although there is     new words in it.
A. little B. few
C. many D. much
( )8. — Why don’t you help your little son?
— Because he is     to dress himself.
A. little enough B. enough little
C. old enough D. enough old
( )9. — Why do you want ano