
人教版八年级英语上Unit 2 How often do you exercise 同步练习含答案.zip

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Unit2 How often do you exercise

1. --- English is   too difficult for me. I can't learn it well.
--- Don't give up. Nothing is difficult if you work hard.
A. seldom B. never C. usually D. always
2. He   gets up early but   late.
A. always; sometimes B. always; often
C. often; always D. usually; sometimes
3. Linda has   been to Disneyland, has she?
A. never B. ever C. already D. even
4. I hate vegetables. I   eat them.
A. always B. seldom C. often D. usually
5. --- How often does he write emails to his friend?
---  .
A. Once a month B. In a week
C. For half an hour D. Last Monday
6. --- How often does your brother use the Internet?
---  .
A. Last week B. Twice a week C. About a week D. One week
7. ---   do you have PE lessons?
--- Three times a week.
A. How long B. How soon C. How many D. How often
8. I was so tired that I could   walk any farther.
A. nearly B. hardly C. really D. suddenly
9. --- Where's our math teacher?
--- I don't know.   he's gone home.
A. May B. Maybe C. May be D. Maybe is
10. One thing that is inexpensive in Paris,  , is the wine.
A. though B. whatever C. however D. but
11. I don't think fast food is good for our health, so I   go to MacDonald.
A. seldom B. always C. usually D. often
12. --- How often do you have a school trip this term?
---   Since several accidents happened to some schools, all the school outdoor activities have been asked to stop.
A. Always B. Hardly ever C. Sometimes D. Often
13. --- How often do you exercise?
---   ever. Because I am very busy with my work.
A. Hardly B. Nearly C. Always D. Almost
14. --- I didn't kn