
人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake 同步练习含答案.zip

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Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake

1. ---   pieces of bread do you want?
--- Two, please. And   are they?
A. How many; how much B. How much; how much
C. How many; how many D. How much; how many
2. But computers, space rockets and even electric   seemed impossible a hundred years ago.
A. tooth-brush B. teeth-brush C. tooth-brushes D. teeth-brushes
3. Five   were lost in the spacecraft accident.
A. life B. lives C. lifes D. lives
4. If you want to be a good football player like Messi, you need a lot of  .
A. practice B. practices C. player D. play
5. I want to buy a new bike. Can you give me  ?
A. some advice B. some advices
C. an advice D. some piece of advice
6. --- What can I do for you?
--- I want to buy   for my daughter.
A. a clothing B. a piece clothing
C. a piece of clothing D. the piece of clothing
7. --- Good morning, madam. Can I help you?24
--- Sure, I'd like   for cooking vegetables.w
A. two cups of coffee B. three pieces of breadt
C. one bowl of dumplings D. five kilos of oilh
8. --- Would you mind turning   the light? It's too dark here.Y
--- OK. Wait a minute, please.6
A. over B. on C. off D. downO
9.   the medical help first, then make her comfortable and call her parents.5
A. Getting B. Get C. To getI
10.   when you cross streets.a
A. Being careful B. Be careful C. To be careful D. Be carefullyh
11.   oranges do you want and   orange would you like?P
A. How many; how many B. How much; how much6
C. How many; how much D. How much; how manyy
12. These old people like to tell   and I like to make   with them.6
A. story; friend B.