
人教版八年级英语上Unit 9 Can you come to my party 同步练习含答案.zip

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Unit9 Can you come to my party

1. ---   you come to my birthday party tomorrow, Robert?
--- I'm afraid not. I have lots of homework to do.
A. Must B. Should C. Can D. Need
2.   you give me some advice on English learning?
A. May B. Can C. Must D. Need
3. ---   you come with me to Lang Lang's piano concert this evening?
--- I'd love to, but I have to study for my math test.
A. Should B. May C. Must D. Can
4. Drivers   wear the safety belt when driving. This is the traffic rule.
A. can B. may C. will D. must
5. You mustn't go off on your own, because you   get lost in the mountains.
A. should B. must C. need D. might
6. --- Dad, must we wait until the light becomes green?
--- Yes, I'm afraid we  . That's the traffic rule.
A. can B. may C. have to D. need
7. --- Can you go shopping with me?
--- Sorry, I'm not  . I have too much work to do.
A. busy B. available C. rich D. relaxed
8. --- You don't look well, what's wrong with you, Wang Ming?
--- Last night I watched the football match and didn't go to bed   12 o'clock.
A. when B. until C. as D. while
9. Thanks for your invitation, but I'm so sorry I can't go. I need to   and help my brother with his English at home.
A. take away B. take off C. take care of D. take out of
10. --- Can you come to my house for dinner this Sunday, Mary?
---  .
A. I'd love to, but I have a lot of things to do
B. Oh, that'll be too boring
C. I'll stay at home
D. Yes, I can't
11. ---   you tell us a story in English?
--- Certainly!
A. Must B. Should C. Can
12. ---   I know your e-mail address?
--- ******@yahoo.com.cn
A. Do B. Can C. Or D. And
13. ---   yo