
人教版八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?单元综合测试(含解析).zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?
1. —Have you read today’s newspaper?
—No, I haven’t. Is there   in it?
A. something important B. anything special
C. new anything
2. —Believe in   , Jack! I’m sure you can make it.
—Thank you, Mum.
A. myself B. yourself C. himself D. herself
3. —Who helped you clean the bedroom yesterday, Kitty?
—   . I cleaned it all by myself.
A. Nobody B. Everybody
C. Somebody D. Anybody
4. The Greens arrived   New York   a sunny day.
A. in; in B. at; in C. at; on D. in; on
5. Oh, the food smells good. But what does it   like?
A. seem B. sound C. taste D. feel
6. —What a nice watch! When   you   it?
—Three days ago.
A. do; buy B. did; bought
C. were; buy D. did; buy
7. —Is your friend Michael still in Australia?
—I don’t know. I have   information about him because we haven’t seen each other for   years.
A. a little; a few B. little; a few
C. a few; a little D. few; a little
8. The Great Wall is   famous   lots of visitors all over the world come to visit it every year.
A. so; that B. such; that
C. enough; that D. very; that
9. Jane   to Mount Tai with her family last summer vacation.
A. go B. goes
C. went D. is going
10. —I’m going to spend my summer holiday in Hawaii.
—What a lucky boy!   And don’t forget to