
人教版八年级英语上册 Unit 3 How often do you exercise Section 单元综合测试 (新版)人教新目标版.zip

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新版八年级(上)英语测试题(Unit 3)
1.My mother told me a good friend is like a m .
2.I was a p school student when I was seven years old.
3.He still went to school on time t he didn’t feel well yesterday.
4.A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your h .
5.He was so funny that he often makes his friends l .
6.It’s n for students to finish homework on time.
7.Alice is an o girl. She likes to stay with her friends and enjoys talking.
8.Kim is taller t his brother.
9.B his parents like English very much.
10.My maths teacher is very s . He never laughs in class.
1.He is (funny) than the other students in his class.
2.The boy enjoys (swim) very much.
3.He doesn’t like singing,but he is good at (dance)
4.Did you have fun (learn) something?
5.Nelly practiced (dance) a lot more than Lisa.
6.His mother often makes him (clean) his room on weekends.
7.Lisa practiced a lot more and wanted (win).
8.It’s necessary for us (learn) English well.
9.He is (different) from his brother. They have some (different).
10.I’m (good) at physics than my sister.
1.I like singing. My sister likes singing,too.(合并为一个句子)
My sister and I