
人教版八年级英语上册:Unit1 Where did you go on vacation?SectionA(1a 2c)同步练习(含答案).zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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Unit1 Where did you go on vacation?
Section A(1a~2c)
1.W did you go on vacation?
2.I went to the b ;I swam in the sea.
3.Did you go to summer c on summer vacation?
4.We want to go to the m . There are all kinds of plants there.
5.Did you visit the m ? There were a lot of old things there.
1.I (go)to the park yesterday.
2. — you (have)a good time last Saturday?
—Yes,I did.
3.—Where did you go on vacation?
—I (visit) the museum.
4.—Did Tom (go) to the beach?
—No,he didn't.
5.—Where did Tom go on vacation?
—He (stay) at home.
1.— did you go last summer?
A.Where B.When C.How D.Why
2.My friends went to summer camp vacation.
A.at B.on C.in D.to
3.—Is there in today's newspaper?
—Yes,there is.There is a report about the big fire.
A.something new B.new something
C.anything new D.new anything
4.—Did you go to Central Park yesterday?
— . I did my homework at home.
A.Yes,I did B.No,I didn't
C.Yes,I was D.No,I wasn't
5.Did she talk with at the party?
A.one B.any one C.anyone D.someone