
人教版八年级英语上册《Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater》精品同步测试(课前预习类训练+课中强化类训练+ 课后巩固类训练).zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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Unit 4 
Ⅰ.Match the English explanation in column B with the word in column A.
  A B
1.comfortable         a. not having
2.quality b. degree, esp. high degree, of goodness 
3.theater c. giving comfort to the body 
4.northern d. building for the performance of plays
5.bargain e. in or of the north 
6.loud f. talk for the purpose of buying or selling sth.
7.teens g. not quiet; easily heard 
8.without h. the age of 13 to 19
答案:1.c 2.b 3.d 4.e 5.f 6.g 7.h 8.a
Ⅱ.Please go through the text and find the words or expressions that mean the same as those below.
1.热情、友好的服务 2.靠近家
3.最便宜的票 4.练钢琴
5.质量最好的衣服 6.冰雪节 
7.无线电台 8.才艺表演 
答案:1.warm and friendly service 2.close to home3.the cheapest tickets 4.practice the piano 5.the best quality clothing 6.Ice and Snow Festival 7.radio station 8.talent show
●Exercises for new words
Ⅰ.Spell out the word according to the sentence meaning and tip.
1.It is the f    place I have ever been.
2.Jason has b    quality than Trendy Teens.
3.I wish you s   .
4.Tom is a bad worker,but Jim is even w    than him.
5.There isn’t e    food for sixty people,so I’ll go