
人教版八年级英语上册《Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake》精题精练.zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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八年级(上) Unit 8
1.A: I’m (hot / thirsty). B: You should (drink / eat) a banana smoothie.
2.A: (Can /Do) you make a banana smoothie? B: No, I (can’t /don’t).
3.A: How (many / much) bananas do we need? B: We need (three / three teaspoons of) bananas.
4.A: How (many / much) honey do you want? B: I want (two / two cups).
5.A: (How / What) do you make a great turkey sandwich? B: It’s easy. Let me (tell / make) you.
6.A: ____ ____ ____ ____ (你怎样做) a banana smoothie?
B: ____ (首先)peel three bananas, then ____ ____ (切)the bananas.
7.A: Let’s ____ ____ ____(做水果沙拉). B: OK, ____ ____ (好主意).
8.A: ____ ____ (多少) apples do we _____ (需要). B: Let me think. We need two.
9.A: I want to buy _______ ________ (一些蛋黄酱).
B: ____ ____ (多少) mayonnaise do you need?
A: One ______ (茶匙)。
( ) 1. How do you _____ a turkey sandwich?
A. take B. make C. cook D. carry
( ) 2. Look! Linda is ______ hot water into the blender.
A. pour B. pours C. pouring D. to pour
( ) 3. If you want to be ______, you should eat more fruit and vegetables.
A. health B. healthly C. healthy D. healthily
( ) 4. Turn on the blender______ about two minutes.
A. for B. in C. to D. at
( ) 5. _______ bananas do you need?