
人教版八年级英语上册《Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake》综合能力测试.zip

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Unit 8综合练****一.根据英语写出单词。
1. a kind of drinks mixed with fruit and yogurt.
2. take the skin off
3. at last
4. put different things together
5. examine in order to learn whether some things is correct
1. Please p some milk into the bowl.
2. Could you please all the i in the bowl.
3. People in America like eating p while w TV.
4. Let h peel the bananas.
5. What about (make) a banana smoothie?
6. They’ll be (relax) after listening to the music.
7. On T Day. Americans often have turkeys.
8. Before having it, please read the i on the bottle carefully.
9. My mom made a chicken s for me last Sunday.
10. What kind of r can we put on the chicken.
1. Please a teaspoon of sugar the milk.
A. add, up B. added, to C. adds, up D. add, to
2. Can I have slice of meat?
A. other B. the other C. others D. another
3. Cut the tomatoes and put on the bread.
A. into, their B. up, they C. up, them D. into, them
4. tomato sauce do I need?
A. How much