
人教版八年级英语上册综合测评:Unit6 I’m going to study computer science(含答案解析).zip

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英语人教八年级上综合测评Unit 6
(时间:90分钟 分值:100分)
第Ⅰ卷 听力部分(15分)
1.My sister is taller than me.
2.The young man is more athletic than the old man.
3.The skirt is more expensive than the shirt.
4.John's hair is shorter than Gina's.
5.My mother is more outgoing than my father,and she is fatter than him.

W:What a heavy box!
M:Look at the red one!It is heavier than the black one.
W:Yes,and the white one is the heaviest of all.
Q:Which box is the heaviest of all?
6.A.The red one. B.The black one. C.The white one.
W:Jim,are you free now?
M:No,I'm not.I'm doing my homework.
Q:What's Jim doing?
7.A.He's doing his homework.
B.He's doing some housework.
C.He's reading a book.
W:Mr Wang looks older than Mr Green.[来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,K]
M:No,he is taller than Mr Green.But he is younger than Mr Green.
Q:Who's older,Mr Wang or Mr Green?
8.A.We don't know. B.Mr Green. C.Mr Wang.
W:Can you see the children under the tree?
M:Yes,there are three girls and four boys.I think they're eating mooncakes.
Q:How many children are there under the tree?
9.A.There are four children under the tree.
B.There are seven children under the tree.
C.There are six children under the tree.
W:I think Mr King is taller than Mr Read.
M:Yes.You're right.
Q:Is Mr Read taller than Mr King?
10.A.Yes,Mr Read is taller.
B.Yes,Mr Green is