
人教版八年级英语上册综合测评:Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake(含答案解析).zip

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英语人教八年级上综合测评Unit 8
(时间:90分钟 分值:100分)
第Ⅰ卷 听力部分(15分)
Were there many sharks at the aquarium?
1.A.Yes,it was. B.Yes,there were. C.No,there wasn't.
Did you have a great time?
2.A.Yes,I do. B.Yes.I did. C.No,I don't.
Where did you go for the last day off?
3.A.England.    B.Twice.    C.Very far.
How do you go to school?
4.A.A man. B.An octopus. C.By bike.
How was your school trip?
5.A.It was awful. B.It's Ben's. C.They are boring.
6.M:Where did you go on your school trip,Rose?
W:Well,I went to Beijing,the capital of China.I visited the Great Wall.It's really Great and beautiful!I visited other places too.
7.W:How was your school trip,Sam?
M:I went to Sydney,Australia.The air there is fresh.Everywhere is green.I visited Sydney Opera House.It was built on the water,in the sea.I like it very much.
8.M:How about you,Linda?
W:I went to 2010 Shanghai Expo with my friends.
9.W:Your turn,Jack.How was your school trip?
M:I went to Rome,Italy.The city is beautiful.There is much water around the city.It is really a wonderful place.I visited the Leaning Tower(比萨斜塔).It is wonderful!I will never forget it!
10.W:And how about your school trip,David?
M:Well,I went to Paris,the capital city of France.It is romantic,I should say.And I visited the famous Eiffel Tower!It is wonderful.Next year I