
牛津译林版 7A Unit5 Let’s celebrate!Period1 课时训练.zip

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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7A Unit 5 Let's celebrate!
Period1 (Comic strip & Welcome to the unit)
1.在春节________________________ 2.猜一猜_______________________
3.在中秋节______________________ 4.装扮成鬼_____________________
5.在感恩节______________________ 6.在妇女节_____________________
7.聚会,联欢____________________ 6.许多精美的礼物_______________
1. We_______(庆祝)New Year's Day at school every year.
2. What a clever girl! She always_______(穿衣服)herself in the morning.
3.Christmas is a Western(西方的)_______ (节日).
4. Millie doesn't come to school today _______(因为) she is ill in hospital.
5. Tom's home is near mine(我的家).We usually go to school and go home _______(一起).
( )1. Tomorrow is_______ The students want to buy some flowers for their teachers.
A. Teacher Day B. Teacher's Day C. Teachers' Day D. the Teachers Day
( )2. In China,_______ usually comes in September or October.
A. the Dragon Boat Festival B. the Mid-Autumn Festival
C. the Chinese New Year D. Thanksgiving Day
( )3. We like to eat_______ at the Mid-Autumn Festival.
A. moon cakes B. sweets C. bananas D. chocolate
( )4. Millie often_______ up_______ a princess(公主)at the party.
A. dresses; in B. dress; as C. dresses; as D. dress; in
( )5. - Which isn't a Chinese festival? - _______.
A. The Chinese New Year B. The Mid