
译林版七年级7B Unit5 Amazing things Period1 Welcome to the unit 有答案.zip

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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7B Unit 5 Amazing things
Period1 (Comic strip & Welcome to the unit)
1.在地球上________________________ 2.大象的脚_______________________
3.停止讲话________________________ 4.相同的尺寸_____________________
5.飞机上的光______________________ 6.睁着眼睛睡觉___________________
7.比……大五倍____________________ 8.不寻常的事情___________________
1. I saw a robot(机器人)fly in the sky(天空)yesterday. It was________(惊人的).
2. The fish has a lot of_______(骨头)in it. Be careful(小心)when you eat it.
3. There's only________(脂肪)in the back of elephants' feet.
4. Some people think we may not live on the_______(地球)in some years.
5. Mr Li knows lots of fun_______(事实)about the world.
6. He is sitting on the_______(背部)of the giraffe. Can you take a photo for him?
7. Tomatoes________(生长)best in direct(直接的)sunlight.
8. -How is your little brother?
-He is deaf(聋的). He can't hear anything from_______.
9. -My classroom is big. What about yours?
-Mine is three_______ bigger than yours.
10. -Where do you live?
-I live in Fifth Street. Millie and I live in the_______ street. We often play together.
( )1. Look! Is it_______ UFO or_______ plane in the sky?
A. an; a B. a; a C. the; the D. an; an
( )2. It's time for class. Let's stop_______ football.
A. to play B. playing C. plays D. play
( )3. Your new bike is wonderful. Where did you buy_