
译林版七年级Unit 5 Amazing things 词汇+语法练习.zip

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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13-14牛津七下Unit 5同步词汇练**** 根据句意及所给的图片或首字母提示填空。
1. I washed the shoes two days ago, and they are d     now.
2. — Do we have rice at home?
— No. We have l     left (剩下的). We need to buy some.
3. More and more people keep     as pets now.
4. Maria is drawing a picture with a piece of      on the blackboard.
5. — How many legs does an     have?
— I don’t know. Maybe it has six legs.
Ⅱ. 从方框内选择合适的短语,并用其适当形式填空。
the day before yesterday, be afraid of, not … any more, hear of,
the other day, at the same time, run away, turn around
1. Jenny left home later than I did, but we got to school         .
2. They are excited to          the great news.
3. We don’t need to          Mr White. He is a very kind man.
4. Today is September 12.          was September 10.
5. — Did you meet Sam? How was he?
— I visited him         . He was much better.
6. The thief (小偷) tried to         , but the police caught him.
7. “I’m      a little girl     , Mum. I can do it well,” says Millie to her mother.
8. The bus is too crowded (拥挤的), so I can’t         .
Ⅲ. 根据要求完成下列句子。每空一词。
1. She didn’t say goodbye to us and left alone. (改为同义句)
She left alone      saying goodbye to us.
2. Dolphins (海豚) can swim and sleep at the same time. (改为一般疑问句)
          swim and sleep at the same time?
3. Do camels eat