
译林版七年级Unit 2 Let's play sports词汇填空专项练习(含答案).doc

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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译林版七年级Unit 2 Let's play sports词汇填空专项练习(含答案).doc
Unit2词汇填空专项练****1. My father enjoys ______ (walk) after supper.
2. Would you like ______ (go) with us?
3. She ______ (like) him, but she doesn’t ______ (love) him.
4. We often go ______(swim) in the river.
5. Li Na is good at ______(play) tennis.
6. ______(散步) outside with my son after it rains.
7. They will go to the zoo or play ______(排球).
8. He asked this question three ______(次).
9. Our dog eats out of his own ______(碗).
10. They often play ______(网球) in the afternoon.
11.He is a good ______(运动员) and he is good at playing football.
12.I am a ________(成员)of the football team.
13.I want to be a member of the reading ______(俱乐部)。
14.We all _______(希望) to learn English well.
15.The girl has a nice ______(梦) ,she wants to be a teacher.
16.I want to be a nurse and my dream comes______(真实).
17.There are many______(play) in the school team.
18.Do you enjoy _______(play) football in the playground.
19.Our teacher hopes________(help) with our English.
20.I would like you_______(go)shopping with me?
21.Tom, like his mother,________(like) watching TV?
22.Ann spends much time________(watch) TV every day.
23.Millie is good at swimming and she is a good_______(swim).
24.It makes all of the students _______(happy).
25.I often have dinner in a   (餐馆).
26.What do you often do at the ____ (周末)?
27.We often have __ _(正餐) at my uncle’s home.