
译林版七年级Unit 5 Amazing things单元练习卷 (含答案).doc

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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译林版七年级Unit 5 Amazing things单元练习卷 (含答案).doc
Exercise for 7BU5
1 --Is there ______ milk left in the fridge? --No, there’s ______.
A. some; nothing B. some; none C. any; nothing D. any; none
2 There are going to be ______ lanterns ______ on the rivers in Bangkok.
A. several thousand; float B. two thousands; floating
C. several thousand; floating D. two thousand; float
3 --The cake smells ______ bad.
--It goes ______ easily if you don’t keep them in the fridge.
A. terrible; bad B. terrible; badly C. terribly; bad D. terribly; badly
4 --Which of the shirts do you like better? --I’ll take ______. They are out of date.
A. none B. neither C. all D. both
5 The lady in this photo ______ be over fifty! She looks so young!
A. must B. mustn’t C. can’t D. can
6 --How soon shall we start the celebration? --______.
A. In three days’ B. After three days C. In three days’ time D. After three days’ time
7 If we follow his plan, we will do this job better with ______ money and ______ people.
A. less; fewer B. fewer; fewer C. less; less D. fewer; less
8 --I really learnt a lot in Australia last month, dad. --______.
A. It’s clever of you! B. How glad you are!
C. I’m glad to hear that! D. Don’t say that. Let’s see your grade.
9 These CDs sound ______ and sell ______.
A. good, good B. well, well C. good, we